I was born on 25 Dec 1977. i need a baby boy in 2016
Asked by D***K |
I was born on 25 December 1977. I seriously want to conceive a boy on 2016. What are the best dates? What else can i do to boost my chances of having a boy?
Asked by D***K |
The suggested conceiving time for you to get a baby boy according to Chinese baby gender chart include:
March 9 - March 31
April 1 - April 6
May 7 - May 31
June 1 - June 4
July 4 - July 31
August 1 - August 31
October 1 - October 30
November 29 - November 30
December 1 - December 28
You can take the dates as reference but it couldn't make sure you could get a boy.
For other ways to boost the chances, you can visit this page: