I need a boy baby and want to conceive this year in 2015
Asked by P*** |
DOB :10-08-1989
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5 Answer(s)
Hello gagan,
Proper time for you to conceive a baby boy is from the present day to November 11th in 2015.
Proper time for you to conceive a baby boy is from the present day to November 11th in 2015.
my dob is 28 oct 1980. i want to get a baby boy in this 2015 or 2016. please suggest me the best time to concieve
Hi Lina,
According to the baby gender calculator, you are likely to get baby boy if conceive during the time below:
June 16th - July 15th, 2015
October 13th 2015 - February 7th 2016
March 9th - May 6th, 2016
June 5th - July 3rd, 2016
October 1st - December 31st, 2016
According to the baby gender calculator, you are likely to get baby boy if conceive during the time below:
June 16th - July 15th, 2015
October 13th 2015 - February 7th 2016
March 9th - May 6th, 2016
June 5th - July 3rd, 2016
October 1st - December 31st, 2016
I'm not sure your birthday is in October or August.
If your DOB is October 8th, 1989, good time for you this year to conceive a baby boy is from August 14th to December 10th. This is based on the ancient Chinese gender chart. There's no scientific proof that it works.