1. Begin to have unprotected intercourse after your period ends. Try once a day to just 3 or 4 days before you are ovulating.
2. Choose a favorable date to conceive for a baby girl according to your birthday. You can find out when are the best time for you to conceive a baby girl by selecting your DOB, the year you plan to get pregnant and baby girl, then press Get Best Dates button at this page: https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/calendar/baby-gender-selection.htm
3. You are suggested to eat more acidic foods such as egg yolk, cheese, pastry, pasta, cakes made from refined white sugar, rice, fish, meat, shrimp, peanuts, beer, chocolate and so on. Your husband is suggested to eat more Alkalescent food which include vegetables, fruit, bean products, flour products, coffee, grape wine, kelp, marine algae and so on.
1. Begin to have unprotected intercourse after your period ends. Try once a day to just 3 or 4 days before you are ovulating.
2. Choose a favorable date to conceive for a baby girl according to your birthday. You can find out when are the best time for you to conceive a baby girl by selecting your DOB, the year you plan to get pregnant and baby girl, then press Get Best Dates button at this page:
3. You are suggested to eat more acidic foods such as egg yolk, cheese, pastry, pasta, cakes made from refined white sugar, rice, fish, meat, shrimp, peanuts, beer, chocolate and so on.
Your husband is suggested to eat more Alkalescent food which include vegetables, fruit, bean products, flour products, coffee, grape wine, kelp, marine algae and so on.