For June-July 2019, dragon & snake [revised birthdate]


Hi I'm Kathy,

I would like to ask for good wedding date for weekend of June & July 2019.

Previously I've asked & got answer from Mary, thank her for this. However I just realized that I mistyped his birthdate, it supposed to be April 15th. Below are the correct data, please kindly advise again, big thanks for your help.

Fyi our lunar birthdate & parents' chinese zodiac are:
Me = June 6th 1988, around 2am & my parents chinese zodiac are dragon & snake
Him = April 15th 1989, around 5pm & his parents chinese zodiac are tiger & dragon

Thanks & Regards,

1 Answer(s)

Hi Kathy,

The date will be the same as I provided before. As long as your sign is the same, there will be no difference.

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