2016 Chinese horoscope for 1952 Dragon


2016 chinese horoscope for dragon born on lunar yr 1952?

1 Answer(s)

Hi mingtoh,

The fortune for the Dragon born in 1952 is half good and half bad in general in 2016 which requires you do everything prudently.

You should pay much attention to your diet as you are easy to suffer from an upset stomach. Also, you should take good care of your kidney. During the summer and autumn seasons, you should take care of your waist more and avoid the hurt of hands or feet. Your fortune in career will fluctuate this year. It’s highly suggested to increase your confidence, adjust well the mental condition and communicate more with friends. In money aspect, you may spend much money on your family or friends suddenly. In love, your relationship with your partner will be good. As long as you care more with each other and always go out walk together, you could live happily and healthily.

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