

I had a dream in which load of very good quality wheats spread on living room floor with me my three sister mom my wife and on the wall tv
If can translate above dream I will be very greatfull of you. Thanks

4 Answer(s)

Hi Zainali,

Dreaming of wheats is aucpidious. It usualy stands for harvest and good luck in wealth. It indicates your long-term effort will be returned finally.
Last night I had dream that I was driving a car and I park that car on corner of road but on double yellow line. I am setting with my brother in law
It shows although you have autonomy in decision-making in daily life but you ofen feel pretty helpless sometimes. In addition, nobody could help you and share duties with you. It also indicates you lack confidence in real life. You are suggested to relax yourself in real life.
Last night I saw white sugar. And some sugar splited on the floor. It was pure white sugar

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