We want a baby boy so badly


Hello, I'm 29 years old. My birthday is June 16 1986. When are my best conception times? Also I don't know what my lunar birthday and lunar age are...

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Chinese Gender Predictor

2 Answer(s)

I chose the snake because I thought it was cute but idk what my chinese sign is
Hi cillacilla,

Your Chinese Lunar birth date is May 10, 1986. Your Chiense zodiac sign is Tiger.
For Tiger's personality, horoscope and more: https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/zodiac/tiger.htm

Based on the Chinese baby gender chart, in 2016 and 2017 your best conception time are:
Apr 7 - May 06, 2016 (you are 31 lunar years old, conception month is the 3rd Chinese lunar month)
Dec 29, 2016 - Jan 27, 2017 (you are 31 lunar years old, conception month is the 12th lunar month)
Jan 28 - Feb 25, 2017 (you are 32 lunar years old, conception month is the 1st lunar month)
Mar 28 - Apr 25, 2017 (you are 32 lunar years old, conception month is the 3rd lunar month)

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