Want a boy
Asked by H***n |
Birthday March 9 1987. What months will i concive a boy? Is this accurate? My periods are usually around 23rd
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Hi Holli Sutphin,
In rest of 2019 you will have more chance to get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods based on the Chinese Gender Calendar:
Aug 30 - Sep 28 (33 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Dec 26 - Dec 31 (33 lunar years old, 12th lunar month)
In rest of 2019 you will have more chance to get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods based on the Chinese Gender Calendar:
Aug 30 - Sep 28 (33 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Dec 26 - Dec 31 (33 lunar years old, 12th lunar month)