Wan to have a baby boy


Hello, my lunar birthday is feb'87, may I know the date to conceive baby boy in 2015?

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Chinese Gender Predictor

5 Answer(s)

Hi lerine,

July to November this year is not good for you to conceive a baby boy according to the Chinese baby gender calendar. Good time for you is from December 10th, 2015 to March 8th, 2016.
may I know, why do you say not good?
July15 to Nov15 and Dec15 to Mar 16 is English date or Chinese date?
The date is calculated based on the ancient Chinese baby gender calendar. It uses the the age of the mother-to-be at the time she got pregnant and the Chinese lunar month at conception to predict. It's not scientific, but many people think it's accurate to them. So, it's just for your reference.

The dates I offered is English date. We have changed the Chinese lunar dates to Gregorian ones.
thanks for your advice.

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