trying for a boy


Hi ,

My period started on 12 dec 2015 , when should I do sex so that I can have a boy

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

4 Answer(s)

Hi Sonu,

What's your date of birth?

You are suggested to use the Chinese baby gender chart to find the best conceiving dates for a baby boy. It's based on your Chinese lunar age. You are easy to get the dates at this page:

After knowing the dates, you can use the ovulatory calculator to get your ovulation date and intercourse on the day to increase the chance.

Ovulation Date Calculator:
My DOBis 25june1985&I have a girl already .now we wants a bady boy .so when I conceive
My bady date 23 September 1982 I have girl already now I want boy when I concive pls tell me date
Hi Rajeshri,

Best conceiving time for you to get a baby boy include:
January 1 - April 6
May 7 - June 4
September 1 - September 30
November 29 - December 31

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