
Hello, I have been reading a lot about the chinese calendar but end up confused with the estimations. I have 4 girls and looking for a boy as my last attempt but first in trying. I want to have a boy by 2020 please help me with calculations. Was born in 1988,April

4 Answer(s)

date of birth is 03rd April 1988..just to add
According to the Chinese Gender Calendar, in 2020 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods:

Jan 1 - Jan 24 (32 lunar years old, 12th lunar month)
Feb 23 - Mar 23 (33 lunar years old, 2nd lunar month)
Apr 23 - May 22 (33 lunar years old, 4th lunar month)
May 23 - Jun 06 (33 lunar years old, Leap 4th lunar month. First half of lunar leap 4th month will be counted as the 4th lunar month.)
Sep 17 - Oct 16 (33 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Thank you very much it means on the exact day of my ovulation is when i should do it or a day after my ovulation
It should be on the exact day of your ovulation.

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