marriage line


My marriage line is devided by a light, little crossed line. What does it mean??

3 Answer(s)


The marriage line divided by a light little crossed line indicates trouble in marriage life. Your love may not as good as before or there are disputes or quarrels in marriage life.
Thank a lot for the fast reply, & regards for this servise. May I ask, doesnt it a sign of divorce??? In the devided point, it seems a break of marriage line, bt not so clear. This line is in my left hand.
In my right hand the marriage line is shoter than left hand and its closer to the little finger than heart line. Im already a heart broken. So im so confused about a marriage. Getting more proposls. Bt, fear to get decisions. Plzzz...
If there is no break for the marriage line at the right hand, no fork or island, and it doesn't curve down even touch heart line, you don't need to fear you will get divorce in the future.

In fact, the lines on palm change with ages, if you manage your marriage life carefully, the marriage line will become better and better.

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