Marriage line


My marriage has a 'y' shape in the beginning of marriage line and also has a small line in the middle of the 'y' but it join the lower part of y towards the heart line and not the upper part which is tilted towards the little finger. What does these lines indicate

3 Answer(s)

It indicates split-up or divorce. If the fork is not big, the situation is not so bad as it only stands for breaking up for some period of time. To some extent, it also means re-union after separation.
But i'' m
Still single and i have read that in the end split means divorce. In the begining the split means something else and my split has a small line in between as well . It is not a simple fork.
Plus i had a break a month ago which was from
His side not from mine. ->
This sort of
It means you are easy to seperate with your love.

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