Know about career and love life


Hello i am Simranjeet Singh and my date of birth is 7 September 1998 and I am trying in music production and currently I am single

1 Answer(s)

Hi Simranjeet singh,

You are born to be a leader and manager. You have a strong desire to lead and want others to follow you. No matter in political, literature and art circles or fields of finance and economics, you could always come out on top. If you can spend more time to study, you will make greater achievements in the future. What you need to avoid is to be hot-tempered. You should control you temper no matter what happens to you. Or it will affect your career.

You will enjoy a happy marriage in the future if you could manage your marriage life well. Being enterprising, you always have new ideas and will benefit a lot if you discuss the plan with your partner. But you should be aware of the threat of the third party to your marriage and be more considerate for your partner rather than neglecting your partner, which may lead to extramarital love, even influence the career and mood of each other.

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