I want to conceive a baby boy and I am pregnant.
Asked by R***l |
I want to conceive a baby boy and I am pregnant now . My date of birth is 06/16/1991 I conceived on May 2019 can you tell me my baby’s gender please?
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4 Answer(s)
Here is the prediction result. You can check the chart to confirm. The Chinese Gender Chart is not 100% accurate. The result is just for your reference.
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Her Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Lunar month when baby conceived : the 4th Chinese Lunar month
Mother's lunar age at conception: 29
In rest of 2019 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods:
Aug 1 - Aug 29 (29 lunar years old, 7th lunar month)
Aug 30 - Sep 28 (29 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Sep 29 - Oct 27 (29 lunar years old, 9th lunar month)
In 2020 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods
Jan 25 - Feb 22 (30 lunar years old, 1st lunar month)
Dec 15 - Dec 31 (30 lunar years old, 11th lunar month)
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Her Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Lunar month when baby conceived : the 4th Chinese Lunar month
Mother's lunar age at conception: 29
In rest of 2019 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods:
Aug 1 - Aug 29 (29 lunar years old, 7th lunar month)
Aug 30 - Sep 28 (29 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Sep 29 - Oct 27 (29 lunar years old, 9th lunar month)
In 2020 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods
Jan 25 - Feb 22 (30 lunar years old, 1st lunar month)
Dec 15 - Dec 31 (30 lunar years old, 11th lunar month)
You are carrying a baby girl according to the Chinese Gender Calendar. Just for your reference.