I want a baby boy I already have tow girls My DOB is 09/09/1986


Hi I want to conceive a baby Boy as I already have tow girls, Can you please suggest me when is the best time for a baby boy, Please help, Many Thanks

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Chinese Gender Predictor

6 Answer(s)

Hi Sullivan,

According to Chinese baby gender calendar, in 2016 and 2017 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods:
Dec 29, 2016 - Jan 27, 2017 (31 lunar years old, 12th lunar month)
Jan 28 - Feb 25, 2017 (32 lunar years old, 1st lunar month)
Mar 28 - Apr 25,2017 (32 lunar years old, 3rd lunar month)
Hi there thanks for responding by the way I'm female and that's my DOB, again thanks for your help
Hi I have two baby girl I have to conceive baby boy plz give me conception date
Hi Mandakinee,

Please provide your date of birth here.
hi im lavanya . my DOB 14/09/1986 i want to concive baby boy any ideas plz ...
hi lavanya,

You are suggested to conceive during the following periods for baby boy:
December 29, 2016 - February 25, 2017
March 28, 2017 - April 25, 2017

More ways here:

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