i need a baby boy this year pls help me.


My date of birth is 07/11/1978 when will I conceive and what will I do to hv twins baby boys. Thank u

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Chinese Gender Predictor

2 Answer(s)

Hi ifesinachi,

For baby boy, your best conceiving time in 2017 are:
February 26 - March 27
April 26 - May 25
June 24 - September 19
October 20 - November 17
December 18 - December 31

For twin boys, your odds of having twins is about 3% is you don't have genes of twins. Here are some tips for twin boys:

1. Increase your weight.
2. Eat and drink dairy products.
3. Eat more calories and eat breakfast (specifically cereal).
4. Eat yams.
5. Intercourse as close to your date of ovulation as possible.
6. Eat more alkaline foods.

Hope it helps.
Thank u very much, I appreciate

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