I conceived I want to know baby gender
Asked by M***a |
My DOB is 18/05/1983
Or first day is 5/07/2015
Or first day is 5/07/2015
May You Interest
3 Answer(s)
Following are the prediction result for your baby's gender based on the Chinese baby gender chart for your reference:
Lunar date of conception : 7th Lunar month, 21st Lunar Day
Lunar age at the time of conception: 33
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
Following are the prediction result for your baby's gender based on the Chinese baby gender chart for your reference:
Lunar date of conception : 7th Lunar month, 21st Lunar Day
Lunar age at the time of conception: 33
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
According to Chinese baby gender prediction chart, you may get a baby girl.
You may also get a baby boy as the chart is not scientific. Just for your reference.