gender selection


pleas i want to have a baby boy, my date of birth is 11/11/1981.pleas could you give me suggested dates of conception

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

3 Answer(s)

Hi ngozi ezechukwu,

Your suggested conception date for a baby boy include:
Apr 7 - May 06 (the 3rd lunar month)
Jun 5 - Jul 03 (the 5th lunar month)
Oct 1 - Oct 30 (the 9th lunar month)
Oct 31 - Nov 28 (the 10th lunar month)
Nov 29 - Dec 28 (the 11th lunar month)
Dec 29 - Dec 31 (the 12th lunar month)

The conception date is the first day of your last period.
I want a baby boy in the year which date is more better
Hi rekha,

It's hard to tell you the date without knowing your DOB.

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