Conceive boy


My dob is 27.12.1986 i want to conceive boy in 2020 when is the best month to conceive.

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Chinese Gender Predictor

9 Answer(s)

Can you help?
Hi Karren Rai,

According to the Chinese Gender Chart, in 2020 you will get a baby boy if you are conceived in the following periods:

Jan 1 - Jan 24 in Gregorian Calendar (34 lunar years old, the 12th Chinese lunar month)
Jan 25 - Feb 22 (35 lunar years old, 1st lunar month)
Feb 23 - Mar 23 (35 lunar years old, 2nd lunar month)
Apr 23 - May 22 (35 lunar years old, 4th lunar month)
May 23 - Jun 06 (35 lunar years old, Leap 4th lunar month. First half of lunar leap 4th month will be counted as the 4th lunar month.)
Sep 17 - Oct 16 (35 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Dec 15 - Dec 31 (35 lunar years old, 11th lunar month)
Thank you Susan.

Why does it say i will be 34 lunar years from jan 1st till 25, calls this 12th lunar month..then 35 lunar years jan 25 till feb 25. My age will be 33 from Dec 27th.

So I would need to try conceive on the above dates you have mentioned after my period?
Chinese lunar age is one or two years older than your actural age.

You can try to conceive according to the suggested time. It could help you increase the chance.
Thank you.. so for example i could try jan 25 - feb 22.. if i have period within this time i try after but in this same period.
If you period first date occurs during jan 25 - feb 22, you can try after the period on your ovulation date. The date you try can not be in this period. Last period first date should during this period.
Sorry i dont understand what you mean can you give me example with dates to make it clear please
For example, if your find your menstrual period first date occurs during jan 25 - feb 22, you should monitor your ovulation date after your period. It's good to try on the ovulation date for baby boy.

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