Boy Please


I looked at many Chinese lunar gender calendars. A lot confuse me because some go by the actual day you conceived (the day of the deed) then other sites like this one says use 1st day of LMP as conceived date. In this case my LMP is October 19, 2016 & my birthday is 11/21/88. I have 3 girls and really want a boy this time.

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

4 Answer(s)

If your LMP was October 19, 2016, that's the right time for you to conceive baby boy after it ends. Monitor your ovulation date and try on the day to increase the chance.
Thank you! I'm going to use OPKs. It says you actually ovulate 24-36 hours after positive test. So should we wait 12 hours after the Positive LH surge to try for boy?
Thank you! I'm going to use OPKs. It says you actually ovulate 24-36 hours after positive test. So should we wait 12 hours after the Positive LH surge to try for boy?
For baby boy, you’d better have sex no more than 24 hours before ovulation and no more than 12 hours after that.

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