Asked by M***M |
To whom it may concern,
I tried this month for a boy, i got all the dates right but i am a little worried that it is wrong. I was born in the year of a tiger and i am 32.
Gregorian date: December 2, 1986
My last period was on the 20th of january 27 day cycle and i am supposed to ovulate yesterday on thursday the 2nd of february after stopping for a week we had sex once yesterday and twice today the 3rd.
Did i wait too long?
My next period feb 14 and ovulation march 25
Will i be still oky to try for a baby boy?
Last question,
The shettles method say 3 days before ovulation if it happens its a girl so to try for a boy we must have sex on ovulation day and after.
Does that also count with the chinese calender even if the dates fall in for a boy?
Please give me more information for my situation now
Thank you
I tried this month for a boy, i got all the dates right but i am a little worried that it is wrong. I was born in the year of a tiger and i am 32.
Gregorian date: December 2, 1986
My last period was on the 20th of january 27 day cycle and i am supposed to ovulate yesterday on thursday the 2nd of february after stopping for a week we had sex once yesterday and twice today the 3rd.
Did i wait too long?
My next period feb 14 and ovulation march 25
Will i be still oky to try for a baby boy?
Last question,
The shettles method say 3 days before ovulation if it happens its a girl so to try for a boy we must have sex on ovulation day and after.
Does that also count with the chinese calender even if the dates fall in for a boy?
Please give me more information for my situation now
Thank you
Yes, you should have sex on ovulation day in order to increase the chance of conceiving baby boy. This also count with the Chinese calendar. You should also avoid sex for 3-7 days before ovulation.
According to the Chinese Gender Chart, if you want to try for baby boy, your last period first date should be during Jan 17 - Feb 15, Mar 17 - Apr 15, May 15 - Jun 13 or Sep 10 - Oct 08. If your next period is before Feb 15, that's okay for you to try after it on your ovulation date.