To have a baby boy in 2017


Hi, my wife is born in 29-May-1981, she had her last period in 2-Jan-2017. If we would like to have a baby boy
1) which month is the best month?
2) should we time the ovulation to have a better chance of conceiving a boy, if yes, what would be the best way?
3) what food should my wife consume to increase the chance of having a baby boy?
4) what food should the husband consume to increase the chance of having a baby boy?

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2 Answer(s)

In 2017,she have more chances to get a baby boy if she is conceived in the following periods:
Jan 1 - Jan 27 (36 lunar years old, 12th lunar month)
Jan 28 - Feb 25 (37 lunar years old, 1st lunar month)
Mar 28 - Apr 25 (37 lunar years old, 3rd lunar month)
Apr 26 - May 25 (37 lunar years old, 4th lunar month)
Jun 24 - Jul 22 (37 lunar years old, 6th lunar month)
Jul 23 - Aug 06 (37 lunar years old, Leap 6th lunar month. First half of lunar leap 6th month will be counted as the 6th lunar month.)
Sep 20 - Oct 19 (37 lunar years old, 8th lunar month)
Nov 18 - Dec 17 (37 lunar years old, 10th lunar month)

She'd better monitor her ovulation date in January and you can try on her date to increase the chance for baby boy.

She should eat more high-calorie food, salty food and lean meat in daily life. Also, insist on having cereal for breakfast before pregnancy.

You should eat more acidic foods include egg yolk, cheese, pastry, pasta, cakes made from refined white sugar, rice, fish (like tuna, flat fish, carp...), meat (like pork, beef, chicken...), ham, shrimp, peanuts, beer, chocolate and so on.

Hope these will be effective to you.

More ways for baby boy here:
Thank you so much.

My wife is trying to time her ovulation period using the ovulation toolkit, however, her LH surge line is still "faint" after many measurements (not as dark as the control line). Is it normal? Or how could we time it more accurately?


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