I want baby boy but how


My date of birth day 13 Sep1983

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

5 Answer(s)

Dear Shazia,

According to Chinese Baby Gender Calendar, if your last period first date is during one of the following time in 2017, you have more chances to get baby boy if try on your ovulation date just after the period:

January 1 - January 31
February 1 - February 28
March 1 - March 27
April 26 - April 30
May 1 - May 25
September 20 - September 30
October 1 - October 19
December 18 - December 31

You can check here to get more tips for baby boy:
I wantto conceive a baby boy when is best time for me .date of birth 23rd SEP 1990.this is a first baby plan
Hi Vijjikan,

According to Chinese Baby Gender Calendar, if your last period first date is during one of the following time in 2017, you have more chances to get baby boy if try on your ovulation date just after the period:
January 1 - February 25, 2017
March 28 - April 25, 2017
August 7 - December 17, 2017
I want to conceive baby boy when is the best time my DOB is1may1992
Hi Daksha,

You are more likely to get a baby boy if you conceive in 2017 during the following periods:
January 1 - February 25
March 28 - April 25
June 24 - August 6
September 20 - October 19

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