I want baby boy
Asked by V***e |
Date of birth 20:4.1985 and my L.m.p is 9.11.2015 i want know the date i will meet to conceive a boy this month and December pls help me confuse
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3 Answer(s)
Pls my period 30 day cycle the data you give me to conceive next year can it enter my ovalution Period
You'd better monitor your ovulation period by yourself. It's hard to predict your ovulation period as I don't know if it's regular or not.
The Chinese baby gender calendar shows there is no good dates for you conceive a baby boy this month and the next. If you believe the calendar, you are suggested to conceive during one the following periods next year:
January 10 - March 8, 2016
April 7 - May 6, 2016
December 29 - December 31, 2016