i want a baby boy


I want a baby boy during 2015 n 2016.my birth date is 20/09/1980. Which months are best to conceive for baby boy.

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Chinese Gender Predictor

1 Answer(s)

Dear gauri,
The Chinese lunar months of October, November and December in 2015 are good months for you to conceive for a baby boy. In Gregorian calendar, it's from Dec. 12th 2015 to Feb.7th 2016.

The Chinese lunar months of January (Feb.8 - Mar.8, 2016 in Gregorian calendar), March, April (April 7 - June 4 in Gregorian calendar), June (July 4 - Aug. 2), August (Sep. 1 - Sep. 30)and October (Oct. 31 - Nov. 28) in 2016 are right months.

Just for your reference. I'm not sure if the Chinese baby gender chart fit you.

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