having a baby boy


dear sir:
Hi I have 5 douthers (girls) , I need a baby boy ,so please I need your help
My birth day 8-2-1975.
My husbands birth day is 22-2-1963

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

8 Answer(s)

Hi zreiba,

You really need a baby boy to balance your family. According to Chinese baby gender chart, if you conceive during the following periods, you have more chances to get pregnant with a baby boy in 2016:
January 1 - January 9
February 8 - March 8
April 7 - May 6
June 5 - July 3
August 3 - August 31
October 1 - December 31

It's just the traditional way for Chinese people to get preferred baby gender. Although it's not scientific, it's right to most of the people. If you believe it, you can plan your next pregnancy based on the calendar. There are also other ways that could increase the chances of getting a male baby in terms of diet, way of intercourse...etc. You are suggested to search more online.
Hi sir I have 1 daughter with help of ivf I want 2nd ivf for baby boy my dob is 25/10/1978 please help
Hello Sangeeta,

You are suggested to conceive during the following periods for a baby boy in 2016:
January 1 - January 9
February 8 - March 8
April 7 - July 3
September 1 - September 30
October 31 - November 28
I reAlly need baby boy to balance family
I have one girl baby now I want boy baby what can I do
Dear sir
I have two [ 2 ] girls . i need a baby boy . please i need your help .Thanks
I want baby boy
and my wifes dob is 10-5-1992
pls help
Hi Pawan, Suba, duutlaar and mahesh,

You are suggested to go to the following page to check the right conceiving date for you to get a baby boy:


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