Baby boy for a complete family


My dob periods are always irregular I.e different this time we are planning for baby boy. This month my periods came on august 28 I.e last week on Friday. So when to have intercourse for having baby boy

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Chinese Gender Predictor

4 Answer(s)


I could only offer you the probable time instead of the exact ones as your periods are irregular.

You are advised to conceive during the following time:
September 1 to November 11 in 2015
February 8 to March 8 in 2016
November 29, 2016 to December 31 in 2016

You can try some ways to test your ovulation date and conceive on the day during the above periods.
Thanks a lot.but one question I not understood last paragraph
It's said if you try on your ovulation date, you have more chances to get a baby boy. So, you'd better use some tools to find out your ovulation date and try on the day during my suggested time.
Thanks a lot.I understood now.

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