The meaning of losing teeth in a dream


Hello, I had a dream that I lost a tooth, it was so terrifying! What does losing a tooth in a dream mean? Is it bad or good?

7 Answer(s)

i too had the same dream one day night and nothing happened to me the second day. Don't worry about this so much. Maybe you are too tired.
When your teeth fall out in a dream, it usually means that your family members may have some health problems. This is to remind you to care more about their health.
I also had this kind of dream before. In reality, nothing happed to me. I think this is because one of my upper teeth was loose and aching at that period. I was always afraid that it would lose some day in the daytime. I think it is the anxiety that make me always had this kind of dream. If you also have the teeth problem, you are suggested to go to the dentist.
Sometimes, if there is an elder in your family getting ill seriously, you may have this kind of dream. This is because you always feel a vague alarm that he or she will die. This is usually reflected in a dream through the way of losing a tooth.
Daniel Moder, you are right.
I dreamt once that I lost a tooth and a few hours after I woke up, my uncle came and told me that my sister died of heart complication.
I dream my upper teeth are falling after that when i woke up . My mom will seperate to us
For folkloric beliefs, this means bad things that may happen to you. But we just knock on woods for cases like that.

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